The GPDF funding structure is on a mutual basis across all GPs throughout Great Britain, based on a principle of shared investment for the common good. This payment is made on a ‘per patient’ basis, collected initially by the LMC, and then contributed on a ‘quota’ basis to GPDF, based on the reported patient population for their area, which they confirm to the GPDF every three years.
In this way, every GP and LMC contributes on the same basis for mutual benefit and the collective good of general practice.
Current Financial Position
In addition to the income from the contribution of the Quota payment each year, the GPDF has prudently built an investment portfolio over many years. The value of the portfolio can vary (up or down as with all investments), and in addition to holding an appropriate amount of reserves for unforeseen future issues related to General Practice, part of this fund is intended to be used to support LMCs in the coming years.